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Windermere High School Band

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Our Band Objectives

  • Cultural: to foster productive members of the community, by teaching strong work ethic, dedication, pride and compassion through music; developing a strong sense of music appreciation and understanding through performance of, and study of the best literature; instill in all people music’s important role in our culture and the enrichment of the human spirit.


  • Educational: to provide each student with a well rounded music education; produce intelligent, competent musicians who are active, discriminating listeners, interpreters and re-creators.


  • Personal: to produce thinking and caring individuals with a strong sense of self worth.


Wind Symphony

The Wind Symphony is the premier performing ensemble at Windermere High School. The band is seated by audition only. Rarely will an incoming freshman be assigned to this ensemble due to the high demand placed on each member. It is considered a great honor to be part of this group. Any member of this ensemble not meeting the expectations of the ensemble may lose their seat at any time. The Wind Symphony will perform many times throughout the year. It is important that students are able to participate in after school as well as monthly and semimonthly performances. Students participating in this ensemble must be registered for the Wind Symphony Class.

Symphonic Band

This is the training ensemble for Windermere High School. A wide range of players will exist in this group. Due to the set instrumentation of the Wind Symphony, the Symphonic Band will have a number of seniors, juniors, and sophomores as well as a majority of the freshmen. This is not the “bad” band, but much like the Chicago Civic Orchestra (a highly competitive training ensemble for the Chicago Symphony); the Symphonic Band exists as a training ground for students to refine their skills on their instruments. Students will also learn finer points of ensemble participation in this group. Students in this group need to be signed up for the Symphonic Band Class


Jazz Band

​The Jazz Band 1 & 2 will meet during the school day for credit. The Jazz Bands will perform at various community events as well as FBA Jazz Music Performance Assessment. We regularly participate in the Lakeside Jazz Festival or HAPCO Jazz Festival, and all band concerts. There are two Jazz Band classes offered during the school day. One band is seated by audition only as there are a limited number of seats available (standard big band instrumentation; 5 saxophones, 4 trombones, 4 trumpets and a rhythm section). You must be a member of the Windermere High School Fightin' Wolverine Band  in order to be a member of these ensembles.

Drumline | Percussion

Students who play percussion in middle school are eligible to play percussion in high school. No student will be allowed to change instruments to percussion upon entering high school unless the director finds a need for it. ALL percussionists are required to register for the Percussion class. Only double reed players that will be playing in the front ensemble will have an exception to this rule. Only the most disciplined, respectful and hardest working percussionists will have the opportunity to play in the battery (marching snare, tenors, basses, cymbals) A percussionist at Windermere High School will learn to play ALL percussion instruments.


Marching Band

Anyone enrolled in a Windermere High School Band class is expected to be a part of the Windermere High School Fightin’ Wolverine Band. This is the ensemble that receives the most exposure to the Windermere and surrounding communities. The Fightin’ Wolverine Band provides us with a sense of unity, and esprit de corps, in that many individuals work and function together for a common goal. The Fightin’ Wolverine Band at Windermere High School performs at all home football games, select away football games, the FBA District 8 Marching Music Performance Assessment, at least one outside marching competition, and one parade.

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